VCA Members Library
VCA Library Group
Part of the successful establishment of the Victorian Canine Association's (VCA) Library was the publicity generated by the following 69 articles written by Jane in order to generate support, enthusiasm and the co-operation of the general membership. This was needed to not only attract volunteers for the establishment of a Library Committee, but also to raise awareness of the Library to attract donations. This Library Committee which operates the Library to this to this day with the collection, owned by VCA members, valued at way beyond one million Dollars.
To achieve this end, Jane's columns were published regularly. Because the 'Snippets' column and the 'Library News' usually appeared on the same page, there are classified below together as follows:
2019 - Jane Harvey, 'Combined Australian Canine Museum/Library', in Dog News Australia (Top Dog Media Pty Ltd Austral NSW) Issue 3 May 2019, Page 8
2019 - Jane Harvey - VCA Library Renovations? in Dog News Australia (Top Dog Media Pty Ltd Austral NSW) Issue 1 January 2019, Page 8
2001 - Jane Harvey, "The VCA Library" in National Dog, the Ringleader Way (Sahjobe Pty Ltd, Lower Portland NSW) December 2001 Vol 4 No 12 Page 64
2000 - Jane Harvey, "Library News"in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 66 March No 3 Page 6 + Library Annual Report Page 9
1999 - Jane Harvey, "The VCA Library" in Petworld (Kombinasi Pasifik Sdn. Bhd Malaysia), Jan/Feb 1999 Page 10
1999 - Jane Harvey, "The History of the VCA Library" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 64 July No 7 Page 10
1999 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 65 January No 1 Page 62,
1999 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 65 March No 3 Page 34
1999 - Jane Harvey - "Library Annual Report" Supplement in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 65 March No 3 Page 12 - 13,
1999 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) May No 5 Page 14
1999 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) June No 6 Page 14
1999 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) August No 8 Page 7
1999 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) September No 9 Page 7
1999 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) November No 11 Page 13
1999 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) December No 12 Page 20.
1998 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 January No 1 Page 10,
1998 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 February No 2 Page 9
1998 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 March No 3 Page 8
1998 - Jane Harvey - "Library Annual Report" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 March No 3 Page 11
1998 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 April No 4 Page 8
1998 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 May No 5 Page 6
1998 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 June No 6 Page 7
1998 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 July No 6 Page 8
1998 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 September No 9 Page 16,
1998 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 64 November No 11 Page 20.
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 February No 2 Page 12,
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 March No 3 Page 27
1997 - Jane Harvey "Library Annual Report" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 March No 3 Page 43,
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 April No 4 Page 8,
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 May No 5 Page 10,
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 June No 6 Page 10,
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in VicDog Magazine (Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 July No 7 News Page 6 and Snippets Page 10
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 August No 8 Page 7
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 September No 9 Page 7,
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 October No 10 Page 15,
1997 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 63 December No 12 Page 8.
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 January No 1 Page 29,
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 February No 2 Page 14,
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 March No 3 P 27
1996 - Jane Harvey - Library Annual Report in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 March No 3 P 55,
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 April No 4 Page 18
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 May no 5 Page 30
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 June No 6 Page 15
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 July No 7 Page 14
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 August No 8 News Page 12 Snippets Page 18
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 September No 9 Page 18
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 October No 10 Page 18
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 November No 11 News Page 22 Snippets Page 23
1996 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 62 December No 12 Page 16.
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 February No 2 Page 20,
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 March No 3 Page 15
1995 - Jane Harvey - "Annual Library Report" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 March No 3 Page 53
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 April No 4 Page 12 (Snippets from the Library Archives began),
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 May No 5 Page 18,
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 June No 6 Page 14,
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 July No 7 P 18
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 August No 8 P 20
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 September No 9 Page 10
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 October No 10 P 13
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 November No 11 Page 13
1995 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" and "Snippets from the Library Archives" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Volume 61 December No 12 P 23.
1994 - Jane Harvey, "Report of the VCA Library Working Party" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 60 March No 3 Page 52,
1994 - Jane Harvey - "Library News" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 60 April No 4 Page 15
1994 - Jane Harvey - "Library News" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 60 May No 5 Page 14
1994 - Jane Harvey - "Library News" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 60 June No 6 Page 24
1994 - Jane Harvey - "Library News" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 60 August No 8 Page 8
1994 - Jane Harvey - "Library News" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 60 September No 9 Page 32
1994 - Jane Harvey - "Library News" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 60 October No 10 Page 12.
1994 - Jane Harvey, "Library Modernized" Story and photos in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 60 February No 2 Page 17
1993 - Jane Harvey, "Library News" in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 59 October No 10 Page 16 also December No 12 Page 16