Articles on Tenterfield Terriers
Tenterfield Terrier
Having known a 'Mini Foxie' in my childhood, I reverted to these delightful little dogs when they were on the way to becoming recognised as a pure breed. They appeared to be far more suitable for my husband and I as we aged. This journey is told with the following 16 articles I had published through the journey of the Tenterfield to join the ranks of the pure breed.
2018 - Jane Harvey - "Supreme Champion Rangeaire John Farnham' Lets Talk Terriers (Tracy Murphy, Dean Park NSW) Vol 14 No 3 2018 Pages 18 - 19
2017 - Jane Harvey "Australian Breeds" in Dog News Australia (Top Dog Media Pty Ltd Austral NSW) February 2007 Page 10
2016 - Jane Harvey 'Special Feature Gr Ch Tappakai Hidden Secret' in Lets Talk Terriers (Tracy Murphy, Dean Park NSW) Vol 12 No 1 Page 17
2015 - Jane Harvey - 'ANKC National Breeds' Conference' in Dog News Australia (Top Dog Media Pty Ltd Austral NSW) Issue 6, 2015 Page 8
2015 - Jane Harvey - "Tenterfield Terrier National Show WA' Lets Talk Terriers (Tracy Murphy, Dean Park NSW) Vol 11 No 1 2014 Pages 2 - 5
2014 - Jane Harvey - "On Focus" - Tenterfield Terriers" in "Dogs Victoria Magazine" Victorian Canine Association Inc. Cranbourne Vic Vol. 80 Issue 2 February 2014 Pages 2, 3, 4.
2013 - Jane Harvey- "Portret Rasy - Tenterfield Terrier" in Pies (Kwartatalnik Zwiazku Kynologicznego w Polsce Warszawa Poland) Nr 2 (350) 2013 Pages 23-4
2013 - Jane Harvey, 'Historical Function of Terriers' in 'Lets Talk Terriers' (Tracy Murphy, Dean Park NSW) Vol 9 No 3 Pages 14 - 17
2012 - Jane Harvey, 'My Grand Champion' in 'Lets Talk Terriers' (Tracy Murphy, Dean Park NSW) Vol 8 No 1 2012 Pages 10
2012 - Jane Harvey, 'Manchester and Welsh Terriers' in 'Lets Talk Terriers' (Tracy Murphy, Dean Park NSW) Vol 8 No 3 2012 Pages 18 - 20
2012 - Jane Harvey, 'Fox Terriers and Jack Russells' in 'Lets Talk Terriers' (Tracy Murphy, Dean Park NSW) Vol 8 No 2 2012 Pages 13 - 15
2009 - Jane Harvey, "History of the Tenterfield Terrier" in National Dog, the Ringleader Way (Published by Sahjobe Pty Ltd, Menangle Park NSW ABN 86 075 412 761) Vol 12 No 11 November 2009 Page 12
2009 - Jane Harvey, "A Word from the Judge (of the First Tenterfield Terrier National Show)" in National Dog, the Ringleader Way ((Published by Sahjobe Pty Ltd, Menangle Park NSW ABN 86 075 412 761) Vol 12 No 11 November 2009 Page 14
2007 - Jane Harvey, "Jane Harvey with WHAT?" in National Dog the Ringleader Way (Published by Sahjobe Pty Ltd, Menangle Park NSW ABN 86 075 412 761) Volume 10 Number 3 Page 30
2002 - Jane Harvey, "ANKC Development Register - Tenterfield Terrier" in The Canine Journal (Royal NSW Canine Council) February 2002 Vol 14 No 8 Page 2
1999 - Jane Harvey, "The Latest Australian" Ringleader - the Dog Paper (Sahjobe Pty Ltd, Lower Portland NSW) Vol 2 No 7 July 1999 Pages 34-36