Dog Anatomy Terminology

Some knowledge of the anatomy of a dog is essential for any person who is interested in studying dogs. This section explains in simple terms some of the anatomical terms used by dog professionals and Breed Standards when referring to a dog's basic structure.

Principal Bones of the Legs

Principal Bones of the LegsPrincipal Bones of the Legs

Front legs

The forequarters, are in three sections:

  1. The Scapula or shoulder blade
  2. The Humerus or upper arm
  3. The Radius and Ulna, these two bones together forming the dog's foreleg

The Front Angulation is the angle formed by the Scapula and Humerus.

Hind legs

The hindquarters, are in three sections:

  1. The Pelvis
  2. The Femur, this bone together with the muscles surrounding it forming the upper thigh
  3. The Tibia and Fibula, these bones together with the muscles surrounding them forming the second thigh.

The Hind Angulation is the angle formed by the Femur and Tibia (and Fibula).

Hindquarter Terminology

Hindquarter TerminologyHindquarter Terminology

The Stifle is technically the dog's knee on the back leg. This is the joint forming the junction between the femur and the tibia and fibula, (above) plus the patella which slides over the joint as the dog moves (please click on picture to enlarge).

The term 'turn of stifle' is the angle made by these bones.

The Hock is a joint forming the junction between the adjacent bones, the tibia and fibula and several bones which make up the rear pastern.

The term 'length of hock' is the distance from the top of the hock joint to the ground. The length of hock encompasses the rear pastern.

Forequarter Terminology

Forequarter TerminologyForequarter Terminology

The withers is the highest point of the shoulder blade and from whence the height of a dog is assessed.

The angle the shoulder blade forms with the humerus is called the 'lay of shoulder' while their junction is a joint called the 'point of shoulder'. However, the elbow joint is the junction between the humerus and the radius and ulna.

The shoulder blade and humerus are attached to the dog by muscle only so the shape of the ribcage affects their placement.

The knee on the front leg equates to the human wrist. But it isĀ  sometimes incorrectly called a 'knee' when it means the joint where the foreleg joins the pastern. Technically the knee equates to the stifle joint on the hind leg which also has a patella.

What is commonly called the pastern is actually the front pastern. This is the dogs' main shock absorber, so its length is important in dogs such as the Borzoi and this Greyhound whose double suspension gallop requires great flexibility.

Body Terminology

Body TerminologyBody Terminology

The height at shoulder is the distance from the withers to the ground.

The coupling is the distance from the last rib to the pelvis. Looking over the dog's back from above, this area is called the loin.

The croup is that muscular area on the rump or buttocks of the dog, forward of the set-on of tail. Where there is a sharp decline in angle of the croup, it is can be referred to as droop.

The prosternum is the most forward projection of the rib cage which forms the front of the forechest.

The keel, brisket or sternum is the lower curve outline of the chest or ribcage.

The spring of rib means the degree of curvature of the ribs which form the expandable cage that protects the heart and lungs. The articulation of the ribs with the backbone allows them to expand as the dog breathes.

Well ribbed back is a separate definition meaning the physical length of the ribcage from prosternum to coupling. Note the last rib is not joined to the sternum and is therefore commonly called a floating rib.

The back is that portion of the topline from the withers to the set-on of tail.

References and Further Reading

Published as 2017 - Jane Harvey - Dog Anatomy Technology - Published in Dog News Australia (Top Dog Media Pty Ltd Hoxton Park NSW NSW ABN 11 123 306 034) Issue 3, 2017 Page 8

Also published

2017 - Jane Harvey "Dog Anatomy Terminology" in Dog News Australia (Top Dog Media Pty Ltd Austral NSW) March 2007 Page 10

2014 - Jane Harvey " Dog Anatomy Terminology" in Irish Wolfhound Association of the West Coast Inc. Newsletter (USA) Spring 2014 Pages 13-15
