Website Accolades
Jane with Cesky Terrier
Your wealth of knowledge on pedigree breeds (due to painstaking research!) has made Janedogs unrivaled for facts and information you simply can't resource elsewhere in the world. I thank you and the dog world should as well.
Celeste Bryson, Editor Dog News Australia, Sydney, Australia
Your treatise is excellent as it is concise and to the point and not so long that a general audience would not be bored before they finish reading
Ron & Dianne Besoff International All Breeds Judges NSW Australia
You were one of the first people to encourage me to take this route into breed history. I started collecting information. I became the club archivist in 1992 and was co editor of the first book published listing Manchester champions.
Dexter H Hockley, Senior Education Co-ordinator, Kennel Club Good Citizen Dog Scheme, The Kennel Club (UK)
I have enjoyed your website and will forward it on to others I know would be interested and get a lot of knowledge from it. You have gone to a tremendous amount of effort, which I appreciate.
Jim Black, all breeds judge, Longwarry, Victoria, Australia
Hello and thank you for providing such a wonderfully, informative site as
Kimberly Faison, Ottawa, Canada
The site looks fabulous. Very informative. You clearly spend a lot of time researching in order to present accurate information- a credit to you.
Kim Walker, Sunshine, NSW
Your site is grounded and easily understood, and if I had a tenth of the knowledge in your head, I'd be pretty darn happy about it.
Susi Szeremy, Co USA
I have explored your website at length - and found it very helpful and easy to navigate. Thank you for such a wonderful resource.
Elisabeth Benfell, Warrnambool, Victoria
I've just been into your Jane dogs website and it is superb. I've only seen a tiny bit of it and when I get more time I'll go into it further, but the little I have read is great. Well done and congratulations on being so clever!!!!!
Doreen Duffin, all breeds judge, Longwarry, Victoria, Australia
The amount of information available at is extraordinary, it is concise, thoughtful, objective and so effectively linked. It clearly stems from a deep knowledge and passion for dogs, of all breeds.
Sue Sanger, Glen Iris, Victoria
Your piece on them (the Central Asian Shepherd Dog) was fabulous and informative.
Tina Morgan (UK)
Your website is awesome and full of interesting information; also I like that you footnote your references.
Lynn Barbour, Algonquin, Illinois, USA
Thank you for a great website and sharing such a well written story (
Greta Giannarelli, Victoria
I am new in the showing/breeding world and I am gathering as much information possible before starting to breed but I started showing. My breeder is giving me a lot of infos that aren't easy to understand and your website have helped me so much!
Sabrina Gauthier, Quebec, Canada
Following information in your site I edited a famous diagram for my breed where I clearly indicate the "stop" and made the comments it should not be considered in the proportion muzzle / skull. I learnt it from you.
Hector Gonzales, Mexico
Let me say, what a fantastic website you have produced! A wealth of information there, and much that is not usually found.
Brandy Escamilla, MBTCA Standing Rules Chair, Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America
I hope you realize that you had an influence in our love of presenting and showing dogs and for that I am truly grateful
Karyn McLennan, Queensland
I revisited Jane Harvey's today and think that this is a remarkable asset to all of us. History of much more than her own involvement of dogs and not only Airedales and while her work on Terriers is remarkable she has gone beyond that to most groups and canine activities. It will be an everlasting monument to and for all of us and such a shame if not kept up to date. This work of love is very much worth regularly coming back to and for judges well worth using it to stimulate discussion among peers.
Keith Lovell, Victoria
We are delighted with what you did with the information (we supplied) on your magnificent website
Victor and Anita Stewart, Victoria
Your site is very easy to read, interesting and educational which I have enjoyed perusing
Sonia Smith, Queensland
This is the best, bar none, total information package on Cavalier King Charles Spaniels I have EVER come across.I thoroughly enjoyed reading everything.
Karen Slaughter, Katy, Texas, USA
I think it is spot on Jane. An accurate representation of the breed (Japanese Spitz)! Thankyou for taking the time to showcase the breed
Lois Mitchell, Narre Warren Vic
I only want to send thank you very much for your website Janedogs. There is so much of knowledge written down about dogs especially of Airedales the breed that belongs to my heart. Anja Prehn, Schleswig-Holstein, Nübbel Germany
Thanks for the informative Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog comparisonMatt Hashagen, USA
Thank you for your beautiful and educational site!! Shelley Westlund, Goldendale, Washington USA
I was at your wonderful presentation at the Highvale Village yesterday afternoon, as a member of U3A. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for sharing so much of your story in such a natural and friendly way - by the time the talk was over, I think we all felt we knew you as a personal friend!!! You should be elevated to "National Treasure" category among Dog Lovers (if there was such an award !) for your knowledge not only of dogs, but also their surrounding national and political backgrounds, I found it all absolutely fascinating. I knew bits & pieces here and there, but not such an overall picture as you "painted" for us. Warm regards, and may you enjoy more years yet continuing to do what you love and are, obviously, so good at! (But humble with it too!) Jenny Pentland Vic
I think you have done a fabulous job for The Rottweiler. Well done !Pat Hall, NSW, - Past Secretary, Rottweiler Club of Victoria.
I have only just come across your site. Fantastic dog site and one of the best I have come across if not the best Stuart Killeen, Bendigo Victoria
Your website is fantastic!Raina McDarra Texas, USA
Your explanation of the dew claws is helpful. I had no idea that they were actually useful. What a wellspring of knowledge you've got! Bless you, Jane, for all that you've contributed! I wish there were a few "gazillion" more of you.If there were, the world would be a better place.Lewis Held, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Biology Department, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX USA
You have done a brilliant job with the Skye Terriers
David and Julie Cartledge, Vic
I love, love your website. I love your explanation of cross breeds, mixed breeds and why buy a pedigree dog. Designer dogs are getting way too much air play these days to the detriment of our pedigree breeds. I am constantly spreading the word at work and groups of why its a bad idea to buy a designer dog. The way you explain it is simple but very effective I feel. And it is not long winded. It is terrific!!!
Louise J Ray-Mertik Chihuahua Club of Victoria Inc. Vic
I love love your website and give all my new Russian toy parents the link to your write up on them.Thank you for all the dedication you give to pure bred breeds.
Deb Graham Vic
You have achieved so much and done so much for not only Australian dog people, but all around the world! I recommend your CD's of stripping and books often! It has been an absolute pleasure knowing you and congratulate you on all your achievements!
Sue Impey KUSA All-breeds Judge South Africa