Jane with her Tenterfield Terrier c 2015
Jane Harvey has had a life-time passion for pure-bred dogs. She is probably best known for breeding 73 Champion Rangeaire Airedales in line across 10 generations. Currently my breed is Tenterfield Terriers which brings the number of Champions I have bred or owned to over 100. Though equally, her extensive experience also covers exhibiting, judging, breeding, grooming, education and as an advocate for pure-breed dogs. In the last decade, Jane has become famous for her unique and authoritative website. Jane has now published 3 books.
Career Overview
Over her 75 year career, Jane Harvey's major achievements include:
Jane Harvey with her Sealyham Terrier c 1960
- Exhibiting dogs continuously since 1948,
- Widely published author with more than 344 articles in publications across 8 countries
- Award winning video producer of dog DVDs with over 300 titles, exported to around 80 countries
- Now published 3 books: 'Gundogs Unveiled' and 'Terriers Unveiled' and 'Australian Dogs Unveiled'
- Lectured on Terriers regularly in Victoria as well as in South Africa and New Zealand and conducted Terrier Seminars in Canada.
- Radio commentator on 96.5 Inner FM with her own regular segment on dogs for 10 years
- Championship Dog Show Judge having judged entries of over 26,000 dogs across 10 countries
- Breeder of 73 Rangeaire Airedales selectively line-bred across 10 generations that earned 86 Champion titles
- Additionally 13 other Airedale breeders founded their kennel either with one of our 'Rangeaire' Airedales, or using one of our team of 'Rangeaire' Stud Dogs for their first litter.
- Including recent addition of Tenterfield Terriers, Jane has bred or owner/handled over 100 Champion titled dogs.
- Teacher and trainer in grooming, handling and obedience
- Experienced Kennel Club administrator
- Headed Committees that advised Governments and policy makers on various issues including Breed Specific Legislation and Tail Docking
- Appeared as an 'Expert Witness' on legal cases involving dogs, especially Breed Specific Legislation
- Inaugural Chair of the Committee which built largest public dog specialist Library in the Southern Hemisphere
- Played a significant role in the recognition of the Tenterfield Terrier as well as the Murray River Retriever as ANKC recognised pure breeds
- Awarded Life Membership of the Victorian Canine Association (2014)
As an Author
Jane Harvey is a widely published author and guest columnist. She has not only written two books, but also has had articles for journals, magazines and newspapers, both locally and internationally.
Over 50 years of writing, Jane's nearly more than 343 published articles include :
- Authoritative research into the history of pure bred dogs
- Information guides in areas such as grooming and judging
- Respected opinion on critical issues facing pure breed dogs
- Reviews of major dog events
For more details, please see Jane Harvey's list of published works.
As a Video/DVD Producer
Jane as a video producer
In 1986, Jane Harvey and husband Bob founded Rangeaire Vision which has become internationally recognised for its quality education videos and specialist dog shows. Jane scripts, directs and voices over all productions and the editing is done together with husband Bob using computer "non-linear" editing suites.
Today, Rangeaire Vision is recognised for the following achievements:
- Including Specialist Dog Shows, more than 300 titles
- At least 300 dog breeds illustrated on DVD
- Almost 20,000 DVDs/videos sold
- Exports to 72 countries
- Corporate Accreditation with the Australian Video Producers Association Inc.
- Filming on location including Bern Switzerland, Brussels, Vienna, Budapest, Helsinki, Milan Italy and Portugal
- Awarded Best Documentary 2008 at AVPA black tie Annual Awards night
As a Lecturer and Speaker on Dogs
Jane Lecturing on Dog Anatomy
Jane Harvey has been lecturing for over 30 years. Topics include grooming, judging, confirmation, terriers and handling.
As a Lecturer/speaker, Jane's achievements include
- Regular lecturer to terrier trainee judges for more than 30 years
- Leader of the Terrier Group Aspiring Judge's Training Scheme
- Conducting overseas Seminars in Canada, South Africa and New Zealand
- Weekly programme on Radio 96.5 Inner FM Melbourne called "The Wonderful World of Dogs"
- In New Zealand, took part in the first Groomalong
As a Dog Show Judge
Jane Judging
Jane Harvey has been judging dogs for over 40 years and holds Australian National Kennel Council Championship Show licenses for the Terrier, Toy, Gundog (Sporting), Utility and Non-Sporting groups. Her judging experience and records can be accessed by following this link: Judging Experience
Her judging achievements include:
- Almost 290 shows judged
- Almost 26,000 catalogued dogs judged
- Judging appointments in every Australian State and the Australian Capital Territory
- Overseas judging appointments including UK, USA, Canada, Finland, Sweden,Germany, South Africa, Zimbabwe and both Islands of New Zealand
Jane not only judges dogs, she is also an Accredited Assessor which qualifies her to test other people to determine whether or not they have sufficient knowledge to award Challenge Certificates or their equivalent. Please click on this link what is a dog judge.
The importance of the breed standard is also emphasized in many of her videos/DVDs including "Terriers Then and Now"
As a Dog Breeder
Jane with three of her Champions
One of the keys to Jane Harvey's exhibiting success was her ability to breed quality dogs. With a maximum of 4 dogs living as members of the family without a conventional kennel set-up, Jane Harvey and her husband Bob's success is amazing.
Jane is recognized world wide for her breeding of Rangeaire Airedales. In particular, she:
- Conducted a successful line-breeding programme arising from Jane's studies of Veterinary Science at Melbourne and Sydney Universities
- Owned Airedale Terriers for 48 years
- Bred 73 Champion Airedales selectively bred in 10 generations under her prefix that earned 86 Champion titles between them
This link to breeding will lead you to extensive information on Understanding Dog Breeding and Whelping the Litter.
Additionally, Jane's deep understanding of genetics, pedigrees and line-breeding led her to produce the video/DVD How to Make a Show Dog. The companion video/DVD How to Raise a Litter of Puppies explains the preparation, whelping, weaning and early training.
As a Dog Groomer
Jane assessing her trimming
Taught by the 'old School', another key to Jane Harvey's success as an exhibitor was her skillful ability to groom. Jane's experience in this field spans more than 50 years. It includes:
- In Australia always grooming her own dogs from the age of 10 right through 50 years of show grooming more than 80 Airedale Terrier Champions as well as show dogs for other people
- In London at 'Town and Country Dogs' , the grooming salon situated behind Harrods
- In Paris studying blow wave and clipping techniques at 'La Belle et sa Bete' (near the Arc de Triomphe) from the famous Monsieur Marcel who created the familiar modern day caniche en terrier or "lamb clip" for Poodles. Please follow this link to view the fascinating Poodle Historic Grooming Diagrams which Monsieur Marcel personally hand drew for her. Jane also received personal tuition which resulted in the personal Monsieur Marcel recommendation in Canine Aesthetics
- In New Zealand taking part in New Zealand's first Groomalong as one of the expert demonstrators and judge of the hand stripping section of terriers
Because Jane felt so strongly about the importance of correct grooming, each new Airedale puppy owner was personally taught the art of stripping. When the owners lived remotely, Jane used to teach grooming via outlines drawn over photos, phone calls, letters and diagrams. This led to the production of the Video/DVD "How to Groom an Airedale" which today has become the premier reference on trimming broken coated Terriers and has been exported to 70 countries.
As a Dog Trainer
Hungarian Vizsla going over Broad Jump
Jane Harvey has been involved in many initiatives in Dog Training, Obedience Trials and Earthdog Tests.
Jane's achievements in dog training includes:
- Gained the first Obedience title of Companion Dog awarded to any Terrier in Victoria
- Was the first female KCC Certified Obedience Instructor in Victoria
- Instructed at Classes conducted by the Victorian Obedience Dog Club for 8 years
- Conducted special show handling classes for many breed Specialist Clubs
- Deputy Chair of the Victorian Canine Association's Obedience and Agility Committee for 3 years
- Was one of 3 persons on the inaugural Working Party which established Earthdog Instinct Tests for Small Terriers and Dachshunds in Australia
- President of the Victorian Earthdog Club Inc. for 6 years
- Trained and handled the first Tenterfield Terrier to gain an Earthdog title in Victoria
As a Dog Show Exhibitor
Jane Exhibiting an Airedale
Jane Harvey has continuously exhibited dogs for more than 65 years, her passion beginning in 1948.
Her many achievements as a dog show exhibitor includes:
- Won multiple Junior Showmanship classes at the Royal Melbourne Show handling breeds breeds from different Groups in different years
- Including the recent addition of Tenterfield Terriers, bred or owner/handled over 100 Champion titled dogs
- Won Best Exhibit in Show all-breeds handling an English Setter, a Sealyham Terrier and several different Airedale Terriers and more recently, Best Exhibit in the National Specialty Show with her Tenterfield Terrier
- Always groomed the dogs she handled
- For two years, sponsored the "VCA-Rangeaire Vision Encouragement Award" a year-long handling competition with the final of the heat winners throughout the year judged at the Classic Dog Show
Jane's love of showing inspired her video/DVD "How to How to Handle at a Dog Show" as well as the six World Dog Shows and more than 300 speciality breed Dog Shows.
As an Advocate in Dog Politics
Jane Harvey has always had an interest in Legislation affecting dog ownership. This began when the Social Development Committee was first formed in the 1980's with a view to the initial drafting of the Domestic (Feral and Nuisance) Animals Act which became Legislation some years later in 1994.
Jane's achievements in official capacities include:
- Crusaded to bring about democratic elections within the pure-breed dog controlling body in Victoria
- Was an inaugural member of the Democratic Canine Foundation Inc
- Assisted in forming and writing the initial Constitution and Rules of the Victorian Canine Association Inc
- Was elected to the Board of Management of this Association Inc
- Held this position for over 7 years and then acted as VCA Representative at dog shows for around a decade after that
- Was a member of the Rules and Regulations Committee for 2 years
- Was a member of the Victorian Canine Association's Government Liaison Committee
- Was the architect of the Legislation which defined 'Hobby Breeders' as members of 'An Approved Organization' within the Domestic (Feral and Nuisance) Animals Act 1994
- On April 20th, 1997 on behalf of the VCA Jane conceived and acted as Convenor of a 2-day Seminar on 'The Future of Pet Ownership in Victoria' which included representations from the RSPCA, the Australian Veterinary Association, the Lost Dogs' Home, Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council, Bureau of Animal Welfare, Feline Control Council and the Democratic Cat Council of Victoria.
- Took an active role in Local Government matters, especially in her municipality acting on their behalf on several occasions
- Used the dog press and the mainstream press to highlight issues relating to the keeping of dogs
- Researched appropriate material for a regular column in VicDog called 'Dogs in the Wider Community'
- Appeared as an Expert Witness in both VCAT (Court) and State Government actions resulting from problems in cases revolving around Breed Specific Legislation.
Founder of the VCA Library
Jane in the VCA Library
In the 1960's and 1970's, as a trainee judge Jane used to visit the dismal back room upstairs in the old Royal Agricultural Society's office to access the few books housed in a locked cabinet. She wished these lovely books, most of them treasures from deceased estates could become more readily available. In 1982, the collection then numbering 858 was finally given a home in a small upstairs room at the old Showgrounds Dog Centre.
In 1993 Jane organized band of interested members into a working bee to work a three week period to catalogue, computerize, repair, cover and label the existing collection. This took 29 volunteers some 635 hours[1]. Then the collection became known as the VCA Library.
Over the next 6 years, under Jane's Chairmanship with a volunteer Committee
- The collection grew to over 7,000 individual items with an audited insurance value in excess of $500,000 dollars, making it the largest specialized collection of dog publications in the Southern Hemisphere.
- Expanded the types of publications to include videos some of which were converted from old films
- Expanded the collection to include bound volumes of periodically produced publications, newspapers and magazines
- Oversaw the design of a unique cataloging system written by volunteer members who were also experienced and/or qualified librarians
- Sourced a simple software programme with a cataloging system that could not only be be used by volunteers with limited computer skills, but also cope with such a large specialized collection of works on dogs
- Discussed this cataloging system with interested parties in other Kennel Clubs who housed specialized dog collections to facilitate easier exchange of material
- Meticulously organized all works suitable to be contained within a public library. This involved cataloging and bar coding all items, covering all books, binding magazines into volumes, and placing all videos into library jackets with matching inserts
- Filled any gaps in the collection relating to individual breeds or activities through advertising, personal approaches to particular members, or bought with monies raised within the Library
- Wrote a Library policy and operating manual for the guidance of its volunteer operators
- Opened the Library as a Members Library with most items available for loan. The exceptions included items which were rare or otherwise classed as valuable
- Opened the Library as a facility capable of being used by the general public interested in researching any ANKC recognized dog breed or any particular aspect relating to dogs
As an Advocate for the Tenterfield Terrier becoming an ANKC Pure Breed
Jane Judging the 1st National Tenterfield Terrier Show
Jane had significant input into the development of the Tenterfield Terrier as a pure breed and its subsequent recognition as such by the ANKC which included:
- The only licensed judge to have attended Tenterfield functions held across Australia from far North Queensland to Perth, to give opinions on the direction of developing this breed in its fledgling years.
- Had significant input into writing the breed standard
- Wrote the Constitution and assisted with setting up the Tenterfield Terrier Club of Victoria Inc and its affiliation with the Victorian Canine Association Inc
- Judged the initial 'Fun Day', the first function to be held by any Tenterfield Terrier Club in Australia as an affiliated club
- Lobbied to ensure that Tenterfield Terriers were placed in the Terrier Group rather than the Toy Group
- Produced 'the Tenterfield Terrier' DVD, the only publicly available published work on this newly developed breed
- Co-ordinated the agreement of all Tenterfield Terrier Clubs in Australia to agree to certain conditions so preventing the ANKC from closing of the Tenterfield Terrier Development Register at that time
- As a result of the above, lobbied the forming of the National Tenterfield Terrier Breed Council of Australia (NTTCA)
- Wrote the initial NTTCA's Constitution
- Wrote the ANKC Breed Standard elaboration produced in collaboration with another breeder and the NTTCA
- Judged the First National Tenterfield Terrier Show
- Trained the first Tenterfield to gain the first Earthdog title in Victoria
- Was awarded Life Membership of the Tenterfield Terrier Club of Victoria Inc
Jane with her Tenterfield 'Lucas'
References and Further Reading
[1] 1993 - Jane Harvey, "Library Modernized" Story and photos in DOGS (Magazine of Victorian Canine Association Inc., Melbourne) Vol 60 February No 2 Page 17