Early Airedales in Victoria (1921-1950)
the 1930's
There were numerous people involved in Airedales during this time and the Airedale Terrier Club of Victoria was founded in 1930. When you consider that the world was in depression in the 1930's, it is quite remarkable that Airedales prospered the way they did during this period. Those who had Kennels or on whom I have sufficient information have their own dedicated pages.
Airedale Avenue, Hawthorn
Airedale Avenue
Airedale Avenue would probably be the only street in Melbourne named after a dog or a breed of dog. In the late 1920's, early 1930's, much of Hawthorn was a farm, owned by the ophthalmologist Dr. Edward Leslie Gault. When the farm was subdivided and sold, the path the dog wore up and down to the main road was made into a street. So famous was the dog and it's path, and so loved was this Airedale by the doctor, the street was named Airedale Avenue, which it is still called to this day.
Information supplied by the doctor's grand-daughter Ms. Louise Joy Gault.
The Airedale Terrier Club's (ATC) first fixture was a member's parade at Towart Lodge, Toorak on the 15th March 1930, with about 30 entries for judge Mr. J S Rowles. There were three controlling bodies in Victoria at that time, and the Airedale Club opted to affiliate with the CCC, the forerunner of the KCC and that affiliation continues to ...
Len Latchford (Aerial) arrived here before WW1 with an Airedale and later became a colourful character. When he arrived in Australia, he had with him 'CLOMNEL MOTHERSIA'. Later Mr. Latchford imported CLONMEL CRACKSMAN who was used over the bitch imported by a Mrs Waters, AEROPLANE. It is presumed this is why his dogs bore the prefix of AERIEL. As Mrs ...
Neville and Mollie Whiting commenced their success with the very successful bitch CH MARYVALE TIP TOP daughter of AERIAL ACTION bought from Len Latchford of Aeriel Kennels. In those days, dogs did not necessarily bear the kennel prefix of their breeders and, from the information I have to hand this could well have been the case with TIP TOP.
Mr Bill Brilliant was born on August 31st 1886 but his involvement in the dog world did not begin until he was 37 years old in 1923 when he purchased an Airedale bitch. As well as a huge involvement with Airedales, he was also one of Victoria's leading administrators. He joined the Committee of the the Victorian Poultry and Kennel ...
Mr. Harold 'Snowy' Rhodes was the grand old gentleman of Airedales. He was always quietly spoken and ready to assist newcomers. 'Snowy' never imported, but managed to combine the Airedales of the day to produce some of the best in the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. 'Snowy' was clever, knew dogs well, and could present and handle with flair. He commanded ...
Sister Garrard bred under the 'OMUKA' prefix. Her breeding began in 1936 began with a classy bitch by Ch STONLEIGH SOLARIO out of AUSTRAL VERA, bred by Norman Myers. Her kennels were in in St Kilda Road - almost in the 'heart' of Melbourne.
There were a number of other important people in Airedales in Victoria before 1950. Below are some people of whom there is some material so published.