Australian Herding Breeds

Border CollieBorder Collie

Australia's first British settlers arrived in 1788 and brought a few sheep and cattle. However, it would be some years before the first herding dogs were imported into Australia. Instead, people shepherded the live stock until 1825 when 2-3 pairs of rough 'colley dogs' arrived on a ship called the 'Hugh Crawford'. This section contains a description of how sheep and cattle dogs were then developed to suit theĀ  Australian climate and terrain.

Kelpie au Stamp

Australian Kelpie

The Australian Kelpie was developed in the 1800's to work on Australia's sheep stations when they were expanding into an unfenced wilderness. Today, the Kelpie made famous by the Australian iconic film, 'Red Dog' is a lithe, active, supple dog capable of untiring work with a natural instinct to work as a Herding Sheepdog. »» Read more...

Australian Cattle Dog Beulah

Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian Cattle Dog and Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog were extremely important in the initial settlement of Australia as a colony. Stemming from a cross between the Australian Dingo and an assortment of British herding dogs, these two breeds were originally developed to muster and drive mobs of cattle from remote unfenced outback areas to the sale yards of ... »» Read more...

Australian Cattle Dog 1936

Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog

The Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog was developed to work in the heat of north-west New South Wales and southern Queensland. Also known as the 'Timmins Biter', the Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog gained popularity on large holdings. It is a tireless worker and is excellent when transporting cattle long distances across hot and rough country. »» Read more...

Smithfield pup with sheep


The Smithfield, also sometimes called the Smithfield Sheepdog was integral to the development of Australia's sheep industry. This was a type of dog that was required by British free settlers to work sheep in a climate somewhat similar to that of England. To this day, the Smithfield is purely a working sheepdog, developed without any official description of defined physical ... »» Read more...


Border Collie

The name 'Border Collie' historically refers to its ancestors in the region of Scotland that borders England. However, the Border Collie we know today was first recognised as a pure breed in Australia and New Zealand. Because of the Border Collie's dexterity in working sheep, Sheep Dog Trials shaped its identity. »» Read more...

Aus Shep sitting

Australian Shepherd

Australian Shepherds were named in California by the Americans around 1850, when these dogs accompanied the flocks of sheep that sailed from Australia to USA. The sheep provided food for the thousands of people that were attracted to the West Coast of USA during the Gold Rush. Although the Australian Shepherd has existed in USA ever since, it was not ... »» Read more...

Australian Cattle Dog Connie Red

Comparison between the Australian Cattle Dog and the Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle DogAustralian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog General Appearance A strong compact, symmetrically built working dog, conveying the impression of great agility, strength and endurance. A well proportioned working dog, rather square in profile with a hard-bitten, rugged appearance, capable of long periods of arduous work. Tail The tail should approximately reach the hock and carry a good brush. Set ... »» Read more...
