Historically Ratters

English Toy Terrier (Black and Tan) puppiesEnglish Toy Terrier (Black and Tan) puppiesIn the mid to late 1800's, ratting or vermin killing was important to maintain human hygiene. As the show dog scene developed, individual breeds were recorded in the first English Stud Books. Over the next century or so, the traditional role of ratting terriers diminished because of the use of more sophisticated means of vermin destruction. However, in this section we shall consider six separate Toy breeds which were originally developed as specialized killers of vermin, particularly rats and mice.

Yorkshire Terrier Wiki

Yorkshire Terrier

The glamorous appearance of the Yorkshire Terrier belies the fact that this little dog with his long, silky coat was originally developed for ratting. Today, it is primarily a pet dog. Historically important here, it played a major part in the development of our iconic Australian Silky Terrier. »» Read more...

Australian Silky1

Australian Silky Terrier

Originally developed from a mixture between the Rough Coated Terrier, the Dandie Dinmont and Yorkshire Terrier, the Australian Silky Terrier began to evolve a century and a half ago. Later it became split again into two separate breeds and then split again, developing in two separate cities situated some 900 km apart. Such were the mix-ups that produced the only ... »» Read more...

Griffons two rough and smooth

Griffon Bruxellois and Peitit Brabancon

The Toy breed popularly called 'the Griffon' comes in three varieties, the rough coated Griffon Bruxellois, his smooth coated counterpart the Petit Brabancon and the Griffon Belge which come in colours other than red. But because all three are combined here in Australia as Griffon Bruxellois, they are considered here together. The rough coated Griffon Bruxellois historically had its origin ... »» Read more...

affenpinscher headUK


The Affenpinscher is a terrier like dog originally bred in Germany for ratting. He only comes in a rough coat and is always black in colour, although grey shading is permissible. His mischievous monkey-like expression indicate he could share a common background with the Griffon Bruxellois which originated nearby Belgium with which Germany shares a common border. »» Read more...

English Toy Mum and pip

English Toy Terrier

There are two smooth coated toy dogs of roughly the same size. Historically they both were ratting dogs. That is why they are considered here together. However, in reality, they are quite different! The first, the English Toy Terrier (Black and Tan), is called the Toy Manchester in USA and Canada because it is considered the toy variety of the ... »» Read more...

Min Pin Show Red Dog

Miniature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is the second of the two smooth coated ratting dogs considered here. Unlike the English Toy Terrier, his origins are in Germany. His precise hackney gait distinguishes him from other breeds. Confusingly, although he may come in black and tan like the English Toy Terrier, he may also come in solid red, black, blue or chocolate. He ... »» Read more...

Eng Toy Moving Ingred

Comparison between English Toy Terrier and Miniature Pinscher

English Toy TerrierMiniature Pinscher Country of Origin England Germany Size 10 - 12 inches (25 - 30.5 cm) 10 - 12 inches (25 - 30.5 cm) Colour Specifically defined Black and Tan with penciling on the toes and a thumb mark on each pastern Solid red or black, blue or chocolate with sharply defined tan markings with black penciling on ... »» Read more...
