OES Profile 2

Old English Sheepdog

In Britain 1570 AD, Caius described 'the Shepherd's Dog' as any dog that herded stock. This 'Shepherd's Dog' was also called a 'Sheepdog' or 'Colley'. But some of these Shepherds dogs also drove stock to markets, crossing the Border Region between England and Scotland. From these drovers' dogs we get two of today's pure breeds, the Old English Sheepdog and ... »» Read more...

Bearded Collie Wiki

Bearded Collie

Sheep dogs, somewhat similar in type to the Bearded Collie we know today, have been known for centuries in the rough and rocky terrain of the Scottish Highlands and Border Region of Scotland with England. However, the Bearded Collie we know today is a relatively modern pure breed only recognised by the Kennel Club UK) in 1959. »» Read more...

Welsh Corgi Pembroke sitting no lead Rev

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke and Cardigan)

Although usually coupled together, the Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) and the Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) are two separate breeds and not two varieties of the same breed. Originally separated by a political divide, these versatile little dogs with different backgrounds are lovable characters who can be a jack-of-all-trades. »» Read more...

Collies Rough Sheltie Drawing

Collie (Rough & Smooth)

The Collie (Rough) and Collie (Smooth) are among Scotland's oldest breeds. Their Spitz like characteristics make many respected dog historians believe they can be traced back directly to the ancient wolf that used to roam Britain. The best known is the Collie (Rough). The Collie (Smooth) is a smooth coated version of the Collie (Rough) with the two varieties occurring ... »» Read more...

Sheltie head blue merle

Shetland Sheepdogs

The Shetland Sheepdog is also among Scotland's oldest breeds. Their Spitz like characteristics make many respected dog historians believe they can be traced back directly to the ancient wolf that used to roam Britain. The Shetland Sheepdog is basically a miniature of the Collie (Rough). »» Read more...

Collie Rough Gael Blue Profile resized

Comparison beween the Collie (Rough) and (Smooth) and the Shetland Sheepdog

As the Collie (Rough and Smooth) are the same breed with the same Breed Standard, they are considered below in the same column, together with a comparison with their miniature 'cousin', the Shetland Sheepdog. »» Read more...
