Thank you!
There are many people who have helped me to produce this wonderful website! In particular, I would especially like to thank the following people...
My family - My husband (Bob) and son (Rick) who have taken care of all the technical aspects of this site as well as assisting the review of articles.
Graham Andrew - For hours of proof reading and advice and photos of his Irish Setter
Tony Martin ("Tentella" Tenterfield Terriers). Wonderful photographs in Whelping the Litter of Puppies. Tony welcomes any inquiries about his Australiana photographs.
Mrs Peg Brown - who shared childhood memories of her family friends in the Rhodesia Kennels and Maryvale Kennels.
Mr Alan Bardoe and Mrs Lyn Duff - Material and photographs about Exmoor Kennel Mrs May Platts.
Mrs Corrie Scull and Mrs Paulette Reynolds - Material and photographs Qualep Kennels.
Sally Stasytis - All Borzoi and Deerhound photos
Colin, Brett and Helen Hamilton - Afghan Hound
Leslie Wilson - Miniature Pinscher front moving photo
Jan Cooke - Australian Silky Terrier photos
Denise King - Pekingese and Pugs
Gaela Tolley - Border Terriers photos
David Nemirovsky ( photos of Tenterfield ; Golden Retriever ; Pekingese ; Griffon heads, Petit Barbancon ; Irish Setter ; Griffon Bruxellois Puppy ; Shih Tzu Puppy ; Modern Bedlington and Dandie Dinmont Terriers ; Skye Terrier
Ashka & Mike Gordon (USA) and Anke Haller (Denmark) Otterhounds photos
Michele Edwards Bullmastiffs and Breton Kennels Mastiffs (English) photos
Mathieu J.C. Mauries, Du Hogan des Vents Kennel (France) Pyrenean Mountain Dogs photos
Gregorio Fidalgo and Enrique Perez (Spain) the Spanish Mastiff photos
Selim Derbent and Dr Orhan Yilmaz (Turkey) the Anatolian Shepherd Dog photos and especially Selim for his on-going interest and E-mails, also Lilli Grgat (Australia) for Anatolian Shepherds and Central Asian Shepherds
Charmaine Allen Tibetan Mastiffs photos and general material
Massucci Mario (France) picture of Maremma Sheepdog with alpaca and with sheep, Audrey & John Jamieson, also Janet Ramsland (Qld. Australia), the remainder of the photos on the Maremma page
David Sharpe action shot of Tenterfield Terrier doing Flyball
Jane Hyman material and photos of Sealyham Terrier
Lyn Duff photos of Welsh Terrier
Betty Gerdsen photos and material of Irish Terrier
Dr Monica O'Kelly photos and review of material on Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Margaret Burgoine photos of Bull Terrier and Bull Terrier (Miniature)
Katrina Marsh and Kelly Taylor photos of Staffordshire Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers respectively
Emma Turner photography - photos of Rally Speech July 2013
Warren Mowles - photos of Lakeland Terriers
Bustabones Kennels (Tasmania) French Bulldog and Staffordshire Bull Terrier head
Lorene Evans (Canterella) photos of Neapolitan Mastiff and Lambda Kennels photos of Dogue de Bordeaux
Fay and David Crooks and Graeme Missen - material, photos and proof reading of Boxers
Greg Brown, Anne-Marie Hearne and Rhyll Andrew - Irish Setters photos
Heather Stokes - English Setter material, proof reading and photos. Also Darren Bowey and Karen Kristof photos
Esther Joseph and Jayne Stewart - photos Gordon Setter
Renata Mirto, Helen McCready and Jessica Jolly photos - Pointer(English)
Pamela Gregg photos - Labrador Retrievers
Teresa Borrell (Stormbay NZ) - photos Chesapeake Bay Retrievers
Viki Knowles photos - Curly Coated Retrievers
Rhonda Williams, Helen Eley and Marilyn Dawson photos and advice Flat Coated Retrievers
Beryl Hession, Roger Bridgford and Zita Vafiopulous photos of Golden Retrievers
Lyn O'Neil, Jo Turnley, Miranda Duncan and Stephen Wheeler material and/or photos of Poodles. Also Graeme Missen for help and advice.
Connie Redhead for help, advice and material on the Australian Cattle Dog
Denise Humphries for all her help, advice and material on Herding breeds, in particular the Old English Sheepdog