Herding Breeds

Australian Cattle DogAustralian Cattle Dog

Herding dogs work from outside the flock or in yards, usually under the direction of a person called a Shepherd. To understand herding dogs it is important to understand the type of sheep, cattle or other members of the flock they herd. Almost every country in the world has an indigenous Herding breed, each developed somewhat differently in localized areas. For this reason we shall consider these dogs according to their countries of origin.


Australian Herding Breeds

Australia's first British settlers arrived in 1788 and brought a few sheep and cattle. However, it would be some years before the first herding dogs were imported into Australia. Instead, people shepherded the live stock until 1825 when 2-3 pairs of rough 'colley dogs' arrived on a ship called the 'Hugh Crawford'. This section contains a description of how sheep ... »» Read more...

Collie Rough family

British Herding Breeds

Early Herding Dogs reveal that sheepdogs in British Isles have exited since around 2,500 BC. Over the next 4,000 years, the terrain of localities and specialized work created the different breeds that we discuss in this section. Today, we have the shaggy Old English Sheepdog, the Bearded Collie, the Border Collie, the Collies (smooth) and (rough) and the Shetland Sheepdog ... »» Read more...
