Comparison between the Australian Cattle Dog and the Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog

Australian Cattle Dog Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog
General Appearance A strong compact, symmetrically built working dog, conveying the impression of great agility, strength and endurance. A well proportioned working dog, rather square in profile with a hard-bitten, rugged appearance, capable of long periods of arduous work.
Tail The tail should approximately reach the hock and carry a good brush. Set moderately low, at rest it should hang in a slight curve. During movement or excitement it may be raised, but not past a vertical line drawn through the root. The undocked tail is of a natural length not exceeding 10 centimetres (4 inches), Set on high but not carried much above the level of the back.

Australian Cattle DogAustralian Cattle Dog

Stumpy Tail Cattle DogStumpy Tail Cattle Dog

1. Blue, blue-mottled or blue speckled with or without black, blue or tan markings on the head but not desirable on the body. Tan undercoat is permissible providing it does not show through the blue outer coat.

2. Red speckle all over including a red undercoat with or without darker even red markings on the head but not on the body.

Blues may have tan markings in the normal back and tan coat pattern.

1. Blue Mottle or Blue Speckle with or without black markings on the head and body. Must have the same coloured undercoat.

2. Red Speckle with or without red markings on the head or body but without any blue showing through the undercoat or on the head.

Blues and Reds may NOT have tan markings in the normal black and tan coat pattern.
Size Dogs 46-51 cms (18-20 ins) at withers with bitches 43-48 cms (17-19 ins). Dogs 46-51 cms (18-20 ins) at withers with bitches 43-48 cms (17-19 ins).
Australian Cattle DogAustralian Cattle Dog Stumpy Tail Cattle DogStumpy Tail Cattle Dog

The skull is broad and slightly curved between the ears with muscular cheeks. It has a slight but definite stop.

The flat skull is broad between the ears, with muscular cheeks. It has a slight but definite stop.
Foreface The foreface is broad and well filled in under the eyes with a deep and powerful underjaw, tight lips and a black nose. The skull and muzzle have parallel head planes. The foreface is well filled up under the eyes with deep powerful jaws and a black nose.
Mouth Normal scissors bite with sound, strong teeth. Normal scissors bite with sound, strong teeth.
Eyes The oval shaped eyes should be of medium size, and dark brown in colour. The almond shaped eyes should be of moderate size, and dark brown in colour.
Ears The pricked, thick textured ears should be of moderate size, broad at the base and moderately pointed. They are set wide apart with the inside of the ear fairly well furnished with hair. The pricked, thick textured ears are moderately small, and almost pointed. They are set high on the skull yet well apart, with the inside the ear well furnished with hair.
Australian Cattle DogAustralian Cattle Dog Stumpy Tail Cattle DogStumpy Tail Cattle Dog
Neck Extremely strong and muscular, of medium length, free from dewlap. Exceptionally strong and muscular of medium length, free from dewlap.
Legs The forelegs should be straight and parallel when viewed from the front and have strong, round bone extending to the feet. But when viewed from the side, the pasterns show their flexibility by being angled slightly. The forelegs are well boned, muscular and straight when viewed from either the side or front, with very strong flexible pasterns.
Feet The feet should be round and the toes short and well arched. The pads are hard and deep, with short, strong nails. The feet should be round and strong with deep pads and strong, short dark nails.

The length of body from the point of breast bone, in a straight line to the buttocks, is greater than the height at the withers, as 10 is to 9. The shoulders are strong, sloping, muscular and well angulated but not too close at the point of the withers. The chest is deep, muscular and moderately broad and the ribs well sprung. The back is level and strong with muscular strong loins and muscular, and a rather long and sloping croup. The hindquarters have long, broad and well developed thighs, well turned stifles and short strong hocks.

The length of the body from the point of the breast-bone to the buttocks should be equal to the height of the withers, ensuring the dog is square in profile. The shoulders are clean, muscular and sloping. The chest is moderately broad and ribs are well sprung. The back is level, broad and strong with deep and muscular loins. The hindquarters are broad, powerful and muscular, with well developed thighs, moderately turned stifles and short hocks.
Australian Cattle DogAustralian Cattle Dog Stumpy Tail Cattle DogStumpy Tail Cattle Dog
Gait The tireless action is sound, free and supple and capable of moving quickly and suddenly with the powerful thrust of the hindquarters. The shoulders and forelegs should be in unison but when the dog stops it should stand four square. The tireless movement is sound, true, free and supple, capable of moving quickly and suddenly. The shoulders and forelegs should be in unison with powerful thrust of the hindquarters.
Coat The double coat has a close rain-resisting outer-coat and a short, dense close undercoat. The coat is longer and thicker along the neck and behind the legs and on the breeching. As an average, the hairs on the body should be from 2.5 to 4 cms (approx. 1-1.5 ins) in length. The double coat has an outer coat that is moderately short, straight, dense with a medium harsh texture. The undercoat is short, dense and soft. The coat around the neck is longer, forming mild ruff. The hair on the head, legs and feet, is short.
