Alsirat Airedales (SA)
Ch Windview Ikabod CD
Ed an Marlene Jacobs commenced involvement in Victoria firstly with the purchase of Ch Windview Ikabod CD a son Ch Rangeaire Rocka Billy and later with the purchase of Ch Rangeaire Rochelle. After moving to WA 2 litters were produced from this pair including one litter of 12 survivors! Relocating to South Australia where most of the success of Asirat Airedales was achieved, we feel it appropriate to include what we have of its history in this section.
The Meaning of 'Alsirat'
Marlene with Ch Alsirat Ajax and Ch Alsirat Achilles
It is interesting to learn how some people arrive at a prefix. Having shown a little when the prefix was first registered, the thinking was that those with prefixes beginning with the letter 'A', would be first into the ring and have the best show benches for Airedales at the 'Royal' Shows! So in searching for suitable prefixes beginning with 'A', Alsirat came up.
Curious to the meaning of Alsirat, I searched the internet to find that Alsirat has religious connections of being that narrow bridge as thin as a golden thread one must pass through to reach Paradise, with sinners falling off the bridge and going to Hell! To add to this unusual prefix, all Airedales bred under the Alsirat prefix were named after Greek gods or Roman warriors.
Alsirat Champions
As well as titling Ch Windview Ikabod CD, Ch Rangeaire Rochelle and Ch Seaire Silver Ghost (AI), these 8 Alsirat Champions have been published:
- Ch Alsirat Ajax (Aust & NZ Ch Rangeaire Rambo x Ch Rangeaire Rochelle) owned by Alsirat
- Ch Alsirat Archilles (Aust & NZ Ch Rangeaire Rambo x Ch Rangeaire Rochelle) owned by Rebecca Madden
- Ch Alsirat Armageddon (Ch Windview Ikabod CD x Ch Rangeaire Rochelle) owned by J & P Stephens
- Ch Alsirat The Argonaut (Ch Rangeaire Rule the Roost x Alsirat Aphrodite) owned by J Francou
- Ch Alsirat Arcadiah (Ch Rangeaire Rule the Roost x Alsirat Aphrodite) owned by A & M Netting
- Ch Alsirat Agrippa (Ch Rangeaire Rule the Roost x Alsirat Aphrodite) owned by Alsirat
- Ch Alsirat Astra Atlanta (Ch Alsirat Ajax x Ch Alsitat Agrippa) owned by Alsirat
- Ch Alsirat Appollyon (Ch Alsirat Ajax x Ch Alsitat Agrippa) owned by JK Highfield & MC Smith
Ch Alsirat ArcadiahCh Rangeaire RochelleCh Alsirat Armageddon